MtM Design Architecture and Design Management St Louis
Case Study:

CityPlace Retail

Client: The Koman Group
Mixed Use Retail and Office with Parking
Total Square Feet: Business: 27,6000. Mercantile: 23,000.
Designed 2002
Award & Honors: TCA (tilt up concrete association award)

Architectural Design (Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration), Interior Design and Landscape Design

The creative design incorporating tilt-up concrete with thin brick veneer for this mixed-use retail and office space reduced the project cost by $400,000 and allowed the project to proceed. Granite column cladding and colorful awnings with expressed window openings compliment the signature main entry tower and plaza. Some of these tenants include the Sound Room, Malia, and Café Bellagio with all interior design provided by Forum Studio.

This project completed while at Forum Studio.